Welcome to the virtual agenda and scheduler for School Redesign in Action (SRIA) 2025. We look forward to hosting you in Newton, MA, on April 8, 2025. For more information about the conference, see our conference webpage.

Click here to register for SRIA 2025.

Please use the scheduler as a tool to help you plan your days. Sign in to Sched with the email address you used to register for the conference. If you need help with your Sched account, please contact the conference team at events@greatschoolspartnership.org.

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Type: Proficiency-Based Learning clear filter
Tuesday, April 8

10:15am EDT

Lessons from the MBLC: Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Approaches to Mastery-Based Learning
Tuesday April 8, 2025 10:15am - 11:30am EDT
In the State of Washington, a group of 40 schools—the Mastery-Based Learning Collaborative (MBLC)—has been working to design new approaches to teaching and learning in public schools, building systems and practices that are culturally responsive-sustaining and mastery-based. Mastery-based learning, sometimes referred to as proficiency- or competency-based learning, attempts to make schools more equitable by establishing clear learning goals for students, creating more accurate and helpful grading systems, improving systems of support, and putting students in the driver's seat of their own learning. These efforts can be attempted through many different strategies, some more successful than others. In this workshop, we will use the experiences of MBLC schools and a review of research to determine which strategies truly lead to better outcomes for students.

Participants will:
  • Explore highly effective practices utilized by schools in the MBLC.
  • Discuss strategies, resources, and examples that can be used to center educational equity in mastery-based learning work.
  • Analyze why mastery-based learning strategies cannot be implemented without culturally responsive-sustaining methods.
avatar for Kate Gardoqui

Kate Gardoqui

Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership
Transferable Skills... Authentic Assessment & Instruction... Nature-Based Education.....Literacy and English Language Arts....creating equitable, supportive, creative, community-centered public schools in every community

Melanie Shivraj

Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership
Tuesday April 8, 2025 10:15am - 11:30am EDT

12:45pm EDT

Beyond the Grade: Assessing for Thinking
Tuesday April 8, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm EDT
How might we provide feedback to students that builds their thinking and learning? In this session, we will explore the types of tasks we use in math classrooms that allow for students to engage in deep mathematical thinking. Using scoring criteria aligned with the standards assessed in the tasks, participants will score a set of student work and explore next steps for student feedback and instructional planning. While our work will be grounded in secondary mathematics, the strategies are transferable to all content areas and grade spans.

Participants will:
  • Use sample scoring criteria to score student work.
  • Review a range of student work to provide feedback to students and determine instructional next steps
  • Understand how to align a task with learning outcomes
avatar for Kasie Giallombardo

Kasie Giallombardo

Instructional Coach, Nokomis Regional High School

Kate Myers-Jewett

Teacher, Nokomis Regional Middle School

Christina Balkaran

Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership
avatar for Jean Haeger

Jean Haeger

Senior Associate, Great Schools Partnership
Tuesday April 8, 2025 12:45pm - 2:00pm EDT

2:15pm EDT

Equitable Competency-Based Learning Systems in Practice
Tuesday April 8, 2025 2:15pm - 3:30pm EDT
Are you interested in exploring the dynamic world of competency-based education (CBE) in practice? Join us in unpacking the stories of change and design. Educators and students from the ACE Program at Brookline HS (MA), BFA Fairfax (VT), and Chelsea Opportunity Academy (MA)  will share their journeys to CBE. These learning communities represent rural, urban, and suburban settings, and different entry points to CBE with new school designs and transformation from traditional educational practice. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, engage, and connect around the culture, structures, and pedagogy of CBE in practice.  
Workshop outcomes: 
  • Participants will deepen their understanding of competency-based education in practice.
  • Participants will learn from the specific examples and stories of other learning communities and engage with the idea of multiple pathways to CBE.
  • Participants will make connections to their own school redesign in action journeys to date and moving forward. 
avatar for Laurie Gagnon

Laurie Gagnon

CompetencyWorks Program Director, Aurora Institute
I'm excited to think with others about how we connect across individual learning transformation journeys and different terms (competency-based, personalized, learner-centered, deeper learning, etc.) to create greater coherence and momentum in transforming education systems for equity... Read More →
Tuesday April 8, 2025 2:15pm - 3:30pm EDT
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